Houston County Schools Virtual School Homepage
VIRTUAL STUDENT HELP LINE: Email is: virtual.help@hcboe.us
Phone Number: (334)899-3308 Phone Extensions: 6327, 6328 and 6329
Make sure you specify your email and phone call as a HelpDesk issue for Virtual Students and Parents.
We now have 3 people working at the Career Academy to take Helpdesk calls for issues from Virtual Students. These people need to get the help calls from students or parents concerning issues with the Virtual School Connections. If the caller has problems and needs someone to help then we want the help desk to get the call or email first so they can possibly help and keep teachers and administrators out of issues with simple fixes. These people are working at the Career Center and have access to Mr. Lovrich and Mrs. Minniefield as well and can forward issue directly to them if they cannot help them or the local school if they cannot help them.
They have been instructed to check their voicemail constantly so a message can be left and they will call back. Please, take advantage of this resource to allow to allow our teachers time to teach.
Phone Number: (334)899-3308 Phone Extensions: 6327, 6328 and 6329
Email is: virtual.help@hcboe.us